5 Tips To End Procrastination for Self Sabotagers

Procrastination is one of the most common types of self-sabotaging behavior. If you often find yourself repeatedly putting off something you need to do, you’re not alone.

We’ve all been there. Maybe you’re procrastinating starting that fitness plan you said you would start in the New Year, or maybe you’ve yet to begin a massive work project, even though the deadline is looming 

But why? Why do we procrastinate, especially when it comes to working towards our goals? 

What Really Lies Beneath Procrastination and How We Become Self-Sabotagers

Let’s get one thing straight- there is SO more to procrastination and self-sabotaging behavior than simply being lazy. In fact, most times, laziness has nothing to do with it!

Procrastination, believe it or not, often stems from fear of success. But why would anyone fear success? 

Self-sabotagers may fear success because subconsciously they don't believe they are worthy of being happy or successful. 

Self-sabotagers may fear that if they are successful, they'll no longer relate to their friends or family. They fear success because they fear change and what it will mean for people in their lives who aren't ready for change. 

The key to ending procrastination is identifying these fears and finding practical solutions to work through your procrastinating habits. 

How To Stop Procrastinating Today: 5 Tips

Identify Your Why

What is the thing you are procrastinating on and why do you want it so badly? How will achieving this goal impact your life in a positive way? Why did you decide to chase this goal to begin with?

Becoming clear on your reasons for why will help you remember what it is you are chasing and why you are choosing to go after it. 

Address the Fear of Uncertainty

Self-sabotagers may deny that they are fearful of success but if you dig deep, the subconscious fears are there. 

Maybe you're afraid that success will change you or the relationships in your life. Maybe deep down you don't think you are worthy of achieving this goal because you don't feel good enough to have everything you always wanted. 

Be honest with yourself about your fears and address them. Know that these fears are self-sabotaging beliefs keeping you from your own fulfillment. 

Set Up a Reward System

Encourage yourself to be more productive through positive reinforcement. Set up a reward system for getting tasks done or taking steps in the direction of your goals. 

Every time you complete these tasks or steps, reward yourself with something you enjoy. For example, maybe for every hour you work towards your goal, you're allowed to watch one episode of your favorite TV series. 

Setting up a reward system will give you a tangible reward to look forward to after finishing your tasks. 

Find an Accountability Partner

Self-sabotagers may avoid declaring their intentions to others to avoid accountability for when they ultimately procrastinate. 

Stop this procrastination tactic by finding someone that can hold you accountable for your goals. An accountability partner will call you out when you fall behind on your intention. 

Having someone to hold you accountable for your goals will push you to work past your procrastination crutch. 

Work With a Coach

Self-sabotagers of the most stubborn kind may need more help to end their procrastinating habits. Working with a professional coach can help. 

Coaches will work with you to problem solve any barriers that may be holding you back from being the most successful version of yourself. 

Your coach will help you identify ways you can push through these barriers and provide ongoing accountability for your actions.

Ending Procrastination– The Takeaway

How to stop procrastinating is a matter of identifying what beliefs are holding you back and how to work through them. 

If you need more help, consider hiring a coach to help you beat your self-sabotaging behaviors. Schedule a free consultation with me today to learn more about what coaching can do for you!


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