Gluten 101: What are the benefits of a Gluten-Free Diet?

It's impossible to go to the grocery store and not be confronted with "gluten-free" labels staring you down from every aisle. Everyone from fitness instructors to Instagram influencers have pushed the benefits of gluten-free lifestyles for years.

You know gluten is supposedly bad for you, but do you actually know why? What is gluten really, and why are gluten-free foods supposedly better? 

Keep reading to learn more about this mysterious culprit and how it could be affecting both your physical and mental health. 

What Is Gluten?

Gluten is a type of protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye and spelt. It's used in baking to help foods hold their shape because of its elasticity when mixed with water. 

Gluten also acts as a thickener in many food products including sauces and gravies. Basically, there are a lot of gluten-containing foods, making it difficult to avoid for those who are sensitive or have an intolerance to it.

Why Is Gluten Bad?

Gluten is harmful for many reasons. It damages the intestinal lining and is difficult for many people to digest. It's also related to an autoimmune disease called celiac disease  Celiac disease is caused by an immune reaction to gluten protein where your cells attack your small intestine, wreaking havoc on your digestive system and ultimately, your overall health. 

Celiac can only be managed with a strict gluten-free diet. The benefits of gluten-free diets for people with celiac disease means no more discomfort and pain. However, gluten isn't just bad for people with celiac. In fact, there are many people with gluten sensitivity that don't even know it!

For this reason, the benefits of gluten-free diets extend to most everyone. 

What Are Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance, and How Can It Affect Your Health?

Symptoms of gluten intolerance often include digestive issues such as abdominal pain, bloating, constipation or diarrhea. But there are many other less obvious ways that gluten can affect your health that most people are unaware of. 

Gluten has been linked to inflammation, which throws the body out of balance and can disrupt every bodily system. Chronic inflammation is linked to a number of serious health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s, and even cancer.

Gluten can also disrupt the gut microbiome, which is the balance of good and bad bacteria in your digestive tract. A disruption in your gut's microbiome can cause intestinal problems and may even be linked to skin issues, like acne and eczema.

Even less known is gluten's effect on your brain health. Both people with celiac disease and those without celiac disease have reported brain fog, fatigue, or an overall blah feeling in response to gluten consumption. Gluten also has a negative effect on mental health, and has been linked to both depression and anxiety.

Even if you haven’t linked any physical symptoms to gluten, if you have any mood or emotional struggles, gluten could be the culprit. Gluten can be causing problems which you are not even yet aware.

Health Benefits of a Gluten-Free Lifestyle

Now that you know a little more about what gluten is and how it can be harmful, you might be wondering: What are the benefits of gluten-free diets for me?

You don't have to have a celiac diagnosis or be gluten intolerant to reap the benefits of gluten free diets. Again, gluten could be affecting your health in ways you don't even realize. The only way to truly know if it's causing you harm is to nix it from your diet. 

The benefits of gluten-free diets for most people often include less gassiness and bloating, more energy, less brain fog, clearer skin, improved mood, less anxiety, less depression symptoms, and sometimes (though not always) weight loss. 

If you remove gluten from your diet and notice a marked improvement in how you feel overall, it's likely gluten was silently wreaking havoc on your body from the inside out. 

Gluten 101–The Takeaway

There are many reasons to try going gluten-free and it's easier than you think. If you're ready to reap the benefits of gluten-free, let's get in touch!

I'll help you make the transition to a gluten-free lifestyle so you can continue leading your healthiest, happiest, and most fabulous life. 


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